Payroll Management

PAYROLL MANAGEMENT Managing Payroll is all about paying your employees and keeping tax revenue agencies happy. Whether you decide to process payroll on your own or to use a payroll service, there are certain issues that you need to decide upon prior to processing payroll. Who will be on the payroll? You interviewed and […]
Payroll Terms

PAYROLL TERMS When you are running your business and focusing on delivering the products and services you set out to deliver, the last thing you need is to deal with all the jargon associated with payroll. Yet having that understanding helps you to know not only what is needed from your employees but also how […]
PPP Loans

PPP LOANS What you ought to know about PPP Loans round 2 The second round of PPP loans is here. $284 billion are approved for distribution. The requirements vary if this is your first time as a small business owner to receive a PPP loan or your second. Here are the requirements you need […]
Profit vs Cash Flow

pROFIT VS CASH FLOW Making profits but cannot see it in the bank account? Clients often ask why I am making $50k in profit but only see $20k in the bank. Where did the other $30k go? To answer this question, it is important to know the difference between cash flow and profit. […]
Why is Cash Flow Important

WHY IS CASH FLOW IMPORTANT When you manage your small business without a cash flow understanding and forecast, it will feel like you are on the right path but not for long. You might not see those dangerous hidden cash flow issues that come creeping on you when least expected.So, do you want to make […]